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RED 402

Collaborative Research and the Roles of the Scientist in Society


Leslie Francis, PhD
College of Law




About 1.5 hours





This is a REd Synchronous (live) class.

Research is frequently undertaken by researchers working together from different academic departments, multiple institutions, private industry and with the government. Many ethical challenges often arise largely due to the number of people, organizations and resources involved. Scientists and researchers may be at different stages of their careers and have different motivations for conducting research. It often becomes difficult to review the work of collaborators on interdisciplinary and multi-institutional research conducted or located in different regions of the world.

Further, there is a longstanding tension between the role of the scientist as "discoverer of how things work" and the expectations of many in society that scientists should "deliver tangible goods." In addition, governments often encourage scientists to advance specific national agendas, even though scientists are largely viewed by citizens as "independent authorities" able to present findings that transcend national political purposes.

This presentation will discuss some of the challenges inherent in collaborative research, the different roles of scientists and researchers, and the ethical, environmental and societal impacts of scientific research.

REd Synchronous classes are taught by subject matter experts and provide both fundamental and advanced skills training in flipped classroom format. To register for upcoming trainings, click here to view our calendar.

Last Updated: 3/13/25