What is a Synchronous Class?
REd Synchronous classes are taught by subject matter experts, and provide both fundamental and advanced skills training in flipped classroom format. To register for upcoming classes, click here to view our calendar.
What is an Asynchronous Class?
REd Asynchronous Classes feature lessons and exercises designed to build competency and increase efficiency. Modules are accessible 24/7 and are all self-paced. All members of the University research community are invited to complete any online classes of interest.
What are Best Practice Networks?
REd Best Practice Networks are 1 hour in length with a 15-minute presentation and a 45-minute discussion that are led by subject matter experts. They will be developed based on (1) requests from participants and (2) needs from units on campus. Participants are expected to come prepared with any questions that they may have and to engage in a conversation with the facilitator and their peers.
General Research Education
(300 - 399)
Export Control Policy Training
Patent Searching and Public Information Resources
Foreign Influence – Heightened Awareness and Increased Activity
Principles and Practices of Community-Based Research (CBR) at the University of Utah
Effective Negotiation in Research: The Art of Advocacy and Agreement
Clinical Research Coordinator (CRC) Orientation
Predatory Journals
Getting Published: Responsible Authorship and Peer Review - Faculty & Staff
Clinical Research Budget Negotiation
Budget Preparation and Development
Pivot-RP: Funding Opportunities and Profiles
RED 362
Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Primer
Laboratory Leadership and Staffing
Managing and Maintaining Your Scholarly Profile
Rigor, Transparency and Reproducibility in Research
Use of a Compliance Toolkit
Research Security Training
EndNote Basic: Mastering EndNote Fundamentals for Citation Management
Introduction to Research Data Management
Research Administration
(400 - 499)
Budget Preparation and Development
Proposals: How to Prepare and Submit
Collaborative Research and the Roles of the Scientist in Society
Preparing Your Study for Inspection
Small Business Innovation in Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant Programs and Non-Dilutive Funding Sources
Access to the Utah Population Database
IRB / Human Subjects
(500 - 599)
Preparation for Investigator-Initiated Drug and Device Studies
Expanded Access to Investigational Drugs & Devices
Understanding IRB Applications in ERICA: New Studies, Amendments, and Continuing Review
Multi-Center Research Using a Single Institutional Review Board (SIRB)
Advanced Consideration of the Criteria for IRB Approval of Research
Understanding IRB Applications in ERICA: Report Form
Clinical Research at the Huntsman Cancer Institute
Best Practice Networks (BPNs)
(600 - 699)
Laboratory Leadership and Staffing
RED 611
Topics in Mentoring and Mentee-ing for Grad/Undergrad Student and Post-Doctoral Scholars
RED 630
Unprofessional Behavior in the Research Environment
Cultural Awareness in Research Participation
PIVOT-RP Consultation
Research Education (RED) Certificates
(700 - 799)
Introduction to Research Mentoring
Establishing Expectations and Maintaining Effective Communication
Assessing Understanding and Fostering Independence
Fostering Academic Literacies
Research and Mentoring Ethics
Promoting Mentees’ Career Development
Research Mentoring Certificate Cohort
Clinical Research Staff Foundations Certificate
Grant Writing
(900 - 999)
Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv)