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RED 712

Assessing Understanding and Fostering Independence


Shannon L. Barrios, PhD
Associate Professor




About 1.5 hours





This is a REd Synchronous class.

It is important to understand when a mentee requires help, as well as when they are ready to independently carry out a task or project. The class covers frameworks for understanding research mentee development, the effective use of mentee onboarding processes, and the role of mistakes in a mentee’s development. During the live class meeting, we will use case studies to explore issues in understanding and fostering independence.

Class Objectives: At the conclusion of this class, you should be able to:

  • List and relate qualities of a mentee to independence readiness
  • Explain when a mentee is ready to independently take on a project or task
  • Identify considerations and implications of such independence for mentees of all backgrounds.

This class counts towards the Research Mentoring Certificate.

REd Synchronous classes are taught by subject matter experts and provide both fundamental and advanced skills training in flipped classroom format. To register for upcoming trainings, click here to view our calendar.

Class Duration: Total duration for synchronous classes are approximately 2 hours. Those two (2) hours will be broken down into:

  • A live session which will take approximately 1 hour (45-minute presentation and 15-minute Q&A) and;
  • Pre and Post-work activities which will take approximately 1 hour, in total.


Last Updated: 2/19/25