RED 760
Data Analytics in Research
Amy M. Cizik, PhD, MPH
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Orthopedics
About 1.5 hours
This is a REd Synchronous (live) class.
This class will explore beginner data analytics for research with healthcare and health-related research study data. Specifically, this course will introduce gathering, cleaning, describing and analyzing data found in observational cohort studies or retrospective data analysis. Analysis will target three areas: forming a basic “Table 1” for a publishable manuscript, describing the available to a study team, and working with a statistician and drafting a statistical analysis plan (SAP).
Class Objectives: At the conclusion of this class, you should be able to:
- Recognize the need for appropriate human subjects data protection, data use agreements and internal review board approvals to analyze protected health information (PHI).
- Define the purpose of the study data use by identifying the research study question and relate it to a proposed analytic plan
- Explain how to collect research study data and describe sources of data for healthcare research
- Use data analytic software (R, SPSS, SAS, SQL, STATA) to clean and analyze research data
- List the steps to perform data analysis and produce a statistical analysis plan
REd Synchronous classes are taught by subject matter experts and provide both fundamental and advanced skills training in flipped classroom format. To register for upcoming trainings, click here to view our calendar.
Class Duration: Total duration for synchronous classes are approximately 2 hours. Those two (2) hours will be broken down into:
- A live session which will take approximately 1 hour (45-minute presentation and 15-minute Q&A) and;
- Pre and Post-work activities which will take approximately 1 hour, in total.