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Grant Writing Workshop: The National Science Foundation (NSF)

The REd NSF Grant Writing Workshop is a one-day, hands-on workshop held in person (at this time through Zoom) to assist researchers  and investigators in developing competitive proposals for the National Science Foundation. The course will cover the grant writing process from framing research ideas appropriate for NSF, outlining and drafting the core proposal elements, and addressing intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. Participants will share and receive feedback on their project ideas, research questions, and broader impacts activities from both peers and experienced grant writers. This six-hour workshop is designed for sharing ideas and obtaining professional feedback. A followup meeting will be held two weeks after the workshop to further develop proposal outlines and drafts.

Registration Cap: 20

Criteria for Applicant:

  • Complete the Grant Writing Foundation class on Canvas at least 10 business days prior to the workshop
  • Full day (6-hour) attendance is required
  • First time to apply to The National Science Foundation is recommended


Diane Pataki


Diane E. Pataki, Ph.D.

Associate Vice President for Research
Professor of Biological Sciences
University of Utah


Diane Pataki


Jesse Morris, Ph.D.

Assistant Research Professor
Grant Writer


Last Updated: 5/10/21