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The Post-Award Certificate is coming soon.



   ENROLLment coming soon



FOundation Classes

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon




The negotiation and award acceptance process begins once a sponsor elects to fund a proposal. This course details University procedures from the notice of award through final reporting and includes discussions on the different types of awards (grants, contracts, subcontracts), the project information sheet, cost sharing and matching, changes in awards, and the various management tools and resources available to University employees.

Participants will gain knowledge of federal regulations related to the expenditure of funds on federal projects. Discussions on departmental post-award contract and grant administration will include compliance with the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), Office of Management & Budget (OMB) Circulars (A-21, A-110, A-133), Uniform Guidance, funding agency rules, and University policies. Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) and the University's Disclosure Statement (DS2) will be described along with audit examinations and related legal issues.

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon




An overview of the theoretical and practical aspects of the negotiation process will be presented. Participants will better understand and be able to apply basic negotiation skills and techniques, to identify different communication and negotiation styles, and to more effectively negotiate terms and budgets for their research-related activities. The social and behavioral science which underlies modern negotiation theory will be described.

Topics will include essential dispute resolution skills such as listening, reframing, summarizing, problem solving, and creating cooperative negotiating environments.

Group and individual activities will be conducted to assist participants in gaining a functional knowledge of the power and practice of negotiation.

Coming Soon

Participants will understand the key concepts involved in the contracting and subcontracting process and will learn about the roles, responsibilities and expectations of all parties associated with these types of agreements.

The duties of prime recipients and sub-awardees will be presented as well as the University policies and federal regulations involved in the management of contract agreements. Topics such as intellectual property, patents and copyrights, publications, indemnification, confidentiality and signature authority will be discussed and a comprehensive review of the legal terms, conditions and potential problem areas commonly seen in contracts and subcontracts will be presented.

Issues related to typical work flow and activity will be explained and resources for finding additional information and assistance will be provided.;

Coming Soon




Step 1. Register for the Certificate you want to earn using Canvas Catalog.


Step 2. Complete Classes.

Classes may be completed in any order, but all classes need to be completed within 18 months from the first class that you plan to use for specific certificate.

Step 3. Submit Class Certifications.

When all certificate requirements have been satisfied (classes have been attended), please upload all of the Class Completion Certifications to the assignments under the modules tab in this Canvas course with the corresponding class name. (Please see REd instruction)

Class Completion Certificates will be in your Canvas Catalog profile, under the Completed classes tab.

Step 4. REd Team Review.

The Research Education Team will review all your class completion within 5 business days of requirement submission. After that, you will be able to view and print the certificate you have been awarded.

Step 5. Get your Certificate!

Retrieve your certificate from Catalog.

An official hard copy of your certificate can be processed and delivered to a University address upon request. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Research Education at
All REd certificates are valid for three (3) years upon completion.

  1. Go to Catalog

  2. Click on “Login” at the top right corner of the page

  3. Log in using your CIS uNID and password

  4. Click on your name at the top right corner of the page and select Student Dashboard from the dropdown menu

  5. Click on “Completed” at the top of the page

  6. View/download your Class Completion/Certificate of Completion


download program infographic

Last Updated: 3/3/25