Designed for research or principal investigators, scholars, faculty, students, research coordinators, and study staff in all research settings
Participants will learn about appropriate behaviors in a professional context within the research environment. Tools and resources available on campus will also be covered.
ENROLL in the professional behaviors certificate
Class objectives:
- Define unprofessional behaviors
- Apply to Safe and Inclusive environments
- Compare "unprofessional behaviors" and "detrimental research practices"
- Consider the role of mentorship in the research space
- Putting it all together: the risk of research misconduct
- Describe procedures for reporting unprofessional behaviors
- Discuss costs for unprofessional behaviors and detrimental research practices
- Professional MisConduct: What does professional behavior look like?
Learn about the details of the NIH policies around professional behaviors within the research environment.
Learn about the details of the NSF policies around professional behaviors within the research environment.
Step 1. Register for the Certificate you want to earn using Canvas Catalog.
Step 2. Complete Classes.
Classes may be completed in any order, but all classes need to be completed within 18 months from the first class that you plan to use for specific certificate.
Step 3. Submit Class Certifications.
When all certificate requirements have been satisfied (classes have been attended), please upload all of the Class Completion Certifications to the assignments under the modules tab in this Canvas course with the corresponding class name. (Please see REd instruction)
Class Completion Certificates will be in your Canvas Catalog profile, under the Completed classes tab.
Step 4. REd Team Review.
The Research Education Team will review all your class completion within 5 business days of requirement submission. After that, you will be able to view and print the certificate you have been awarded.
Step 5. Get your Certificate!
Retrieve your certificate from Catalog.
An official hard copy of your certificate can be processed and delivered to a University
address upon request. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Research
Education at ResearchEducation@utah.edu.
All REd certificates are valid for three (3) years upon completion.
Go to Catalog
Click on “Login” at the top right corner of the page
Log in using your CIS uNID and password
Click on your name at the top right corner of the page and select Student Dashboard from the dropdown menu
Click on “Completed” at the top of the page
View/download your Class Completion/Certificate of Completion