RESEARCH Data Management
The Research Data Management Certificate is designed for research or principal investigators, scholars, research coordinators, and study staff in all research settings.
Participants will learn about the research data management lifecycle, the importance of data management, and how to properly manage their data, including key considerations such as organization, documentation, storage, organization, and permanence. Tools and resources available on campus will also be covered.
Research data come in many shapes and forms—physical or digital, big or small, uniform or varied. Whatever their form, data are the evidence for your research findings and proper data management is critical for good research practice and compliance. Research data management is “The organization, documentation, storage, and preservation of the data resulting from the research process” (NNLM). In order to manage data properly, researchers will need to be aware of key considerations in each of the above areas, organization, documentation, storage, and preservation. This course will cover the research data lifecycle along with key practices and decisions in each stage. Additionally, the course will include how data management can be leveraged to make the research process smoother using tools and resources available on campus.
Learning Outcomes: At the conclusion of this course participants will be able to:
- Describe the research data lifecycle.
- Define data management and its importance.
- List at least three resources to facilitate data management.
Translational research often requires the use of data of heterogeneous types, and with varying volumes and velocities. Researchers therefore require a strategy to manage the acquisition, harmonization, assimilation, integration, and storage of such data. In this class, we will discuss the informatics services and innovations developed by the Biomedical Informatics Core, Clinical and Translational Science Institute, University of Utah to support project operations and translational researchers with the generation and utilization of AI-ready datasets.
Class Objectives: At the conclusion of this class, you should be able to:
- Recognize the need for an informatics design in developing a translational research study’s data strategy.
- Identify informatics tools and methods for implementing a translational research study’s data strategy.
Research data resources available to the University Community: (TriNetX, N3C, ACT, PCORnet). For each tool, we will discuss:
- The type of data that is available within the network
- Where and how data is originated
- If de-identified data can be accessed
- Best use-scenario for each tool
- How to access these tools
Class Objectives: At the conclusion of this class, you should be able to:
- Researchers will obtain an understanding of the available research data resources.
- Utilize the data resources for different research studies.
Researchers world-wide have been moving towards open research, meaning all the results of research in any discipline should be shared without restrictions. Granting agencies in the U.S. have mandated the sharing of research outputs since 2013. For research to be shared it must be managed appropriately. Changing technology is impacting the way research is being conducted as is interdisciplinary and collaborative work. Managing the research appropriately starts with the writing of the grant proposal, continues throughout the research process and even after the closeout of the project with the outputs being shared. This class will cover federal and University policies surrounding data ownership, and stewardship. Understanding data management plans, secure campus storage options and how to share your research outputs will be discussed.
The class will cover the basics, such documenting the research, developing file naming systems, metadata and why it is important, and campus resources to assist you in managing your research. We will also show you where you can find data already in repositories for you to use in your research.
Learning Outcomes: At the conclusion of this unit, you should be able to:
- Define data management.
- Summarize the importance of good data management.
- Describe the research data lifecycle.
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This course introduces data cleaning, wrangling, and exploration using OpenRefine, a powerful open-source tool for working with messy data. Participants will learn essential techniques for transforming, correcting, and organizing datasets to ensure data quality and reliability by exploring the interface and key features of OpenRefine, including General Refine Expression Language (GREL) transformations, facets, filters, and clustering techniques. Through hands-on exercises, attendees will gain practical experience in handling common data issues and preparing data for analysis. We’ll also cover how OpenRefine can be used to gain key insights and perform basic qualitative coding. This course is open to all; no experience with coding languages, data cleaning, or data analytics required.
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the class, participants will be able to:
- Discuss the fundamentals of data cleaning and wrangling and the importance of data quality
- Navigate OpenRefine’s interface and perform basic GREL functions for transforming data in OpenRefine
- Apply various transformation techniques to standardize and normalize data values effectively and efficiently
- Detect and correct common data errors including inconsistencies, duplicates, and missing values
- Prepare datasets for further analysis and visualization in other tools and software
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Working with Edward Tufte’s theory of data graphics, this class will cover best practices in graphical communication for creating effective data visualizations. Topics to be addressed include the data-ink ratio, accessibility, pre-attentive processing, cognitive load, visual emphasis, and misleading visualizations.
Class Objectives:
- Identify graphic design principles related to data visualization practices;
- Discuss how human perception affects data visualization design;
- Critique and propose solutions to misleading visualizations;
- Demonstrate a foundational knowledge of trustworthy, accessible, and elegant data visualization design.
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Data collection and management in clinical research studies sounds simple, but pitfalls are common and usually lessons are learned the hard way. This course will discuss key concepts in thinking about accurate and adequate data collection in clinical research studies. We will focus heavily on how to assure data are collected sensibly, practically, and with purpose. We will discuss in detail how to assure that appropriate data elements are collected to support the study outcomes. We will also discuss pitfalls and mishaps in data collection and identify methods to avoid problems and erroneous or missing data. We will also review regulatory aspects of data collection, often underappreciated by researchers, and other administrative issues that can impact your data. Finally, we will discuss the function and purpose of a Data Coordinating Center and approaches for multi center data collection.
Class Objectives: At the conclusion of this class, you should be able to:
- Discuss key concepts in thinking about accurate and adequate data collection in clinical research studies.
- Review methods to assure data are collected sensibly, practically, and with purpose. We will discuss in detail how to assure that appropriate data elements are collected to support the study outcomes.
- Identify pitfalls and mishaps in data collection and describe practical methods to avoid erroneous or missing data.
- Review regulatory aspects of data collection, data use agreements, and other administrative issues that can impact data.
- Understand the function and purpose of a Data Coordinating Center.
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Class Description: This course explores the foundational principles of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data and Open Science practices in research data management. Participants will learn to apply these principles to enhance data sharing, transparency, and collaboration across disciplines. Topics include the ethical implications of open data, FAIR implementation strategies, tools and resources for managing research data. By the end of the course, participants will be equipped with the skills needed to make their research more accessible and impactful, while aligning with global standards in data stewardship.
Learning Outcomes:
- Define the FAIR principles and their role in enhancing data usability.
- Explain the value and challenges of Open Science in diverse research contexts.
- Identify tools and strategies to make research data findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable.
- Analyze examples of FAIR and Open Science in practice to identify lessons and innovative approaches.
- Critique the effectiveness of data sharing in real-world research scenarios.
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This asynchronous course will cover the basics of file organization and decision-making factors for data storage and data sharing locations. File organization includes proper file and folder naming, file and folder structure, version control, and backup best practices. We will also cover options for on campus data storage and consideration for each option, including data sensitivity, file size, and cost. Lastly, the class will provide decision-making criteria for selecting a data sharing repository along with the types of repositories and their benefits. By the end of class, researchers will be able to properly manage in-progress research data and select a sharing location based on their unique research project.
Learning Outcomes:
Identify at least 3 potential on-campus data storage locations.
List at least 5 decision making factors for selecting data storage and repository locations.
Describe the 3-2-1 backup rule.
Identify at least 3 components of proper file naming.
Step 1. Register for the Certificate you want to earn using Canvas Catalog.
Step 2. Complete Classes.
Classes may be completed in any order, but all classes need to be completed within 18 months from the first class that you plan to use for specific certificate.
Step 3. Submit Class Certifications.
When all certificate requirements have been satisfied (classes have been attended), please upload all of the Class Completion Certifications to the assignments under the modules tab in this Canvas course with the corresponding class name. (Please see REd instruction)
Class Completion Certificates will be in your Canvas Catalog profile, under the Completed classes tab.
Step 4. REd Team Review.
The Research Education Team will review all your class completion within 5 business days of requirement submission. After that, you will be able to view and print the certificate you have been awarded.
Step 5. Get your Certificate!
Retrieve your certificate from Catalog.
An official hard copy of your certificate can be processed and delivered to a University
address upon request. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Research
Education at ResearchEducation@utah.edu.
All REd certificates are valid for three (3) years upon completion.
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